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My name is lamlam =D
I like to sleep and eat as well ~
My beloved jimui say im piggie, but someone said im a fox ^^
I love Show Luo @ Lee Hong Ki so much <3
Tats all lomm ^^
Leave your message here. Foul language are not allowed here and no spamming too. Be aware~!
Oh yeah, those awesomies are on the marquee. (:
Everything which found here is belongs to the Author Of This Blog, CheongKahLam. No copy paste or grabbing any stuff from here unless you get the permission from her.
It would be an idiot's job if you rip bits and bits of her layout without her prior notice.
一辈子忘记不了你的好.. Thursday, May 27, 2010 7:19 AM | 0 notes
Yes, it's me, my name is AmandaCheong. :P
I love Show Lo & Lee Hong Ki ! <3 :)
Make more visit over here, alright? ;)
The visits of you guys are the motivation of mine (:
Yea, that's right, I love to sleep. ;D
I have friends around me. I love all of them ♥
I'm a RABBIT/BUNNY and SKULL LOVER! Don't ever mess with them! >:O
Yeshh, no doubt, it's the cutest me! xD ♥
The quote of mine: First I thought we will always be together forever. Then I thought we will never see each other again and I'm just confused.
1. Tell me if you changed blog URL.
2. I will erase those inactive links/removed me from your blog
3. Link exchange for those who always view my blog, comment my post and dropped message on my tagboard.
Site name: The Sky Site link: Site opened: March/2009
About this site:
I have been blogging since 2009. I appreciate you guys' concerning. As I know,
there's not much people will visit my blog, those who visited me quite often,
I thank you, and I'm glad to have your following. Oh yeah, to those candidates
who are having exams this year, put a little more effort to reach the point of
success! I know you guys can! ;) Guess what? My visitors are awesomiess like me! ;D
Be grateful for what you've been through yesterday, 'cause they made today's you. (:
My Pretty Friends ♥
My AIREN ♥ Vivien Kok. xD
鼠唯小姐 ♥ My BAOBEI (:
Sifart Ying ♥ Cold Win Win is her new name, credits to me. ^^